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Plaxtol Primary School
Learning together - school, family, community



At Plaxtol Primary School, we provide a high quality EYFS education giving children a secure and confident start to their school life. We are committed to nurturing a lifelong love of learning alongside the aims of the EYFS statutory framework. We strive for high standards, consider the development of the whole child and seek to foster resilience and independence. We teach children the essential knowledge they need to prepare them for their future success and to give children the best possible start to their early education.



There is well planned and organised continuous provision with a range of challenges which is scaffolded by adults to extend the children’s learning. The EYFS curriculum at Plaxtol builds on the children prior learning and their current interests, to ensure as much active engagement as possible. We make great use of outdoor learning through the Wildlife garden and our outdoor space encompassing a large sandpit. 


The relationship with parents is of upmost importance and we use Tapestry to share the children’s learning with their parents. Year 6 buddies support transition into school during the first few weeks, this relationship then develops over the year. There is a focus on the use of circle time to explore children’s feelings as they mature over the year.


Reading is fundamental to a child’s development and we ensure that there is wide exposure to a range of texts as soon as the children start school. This extends both the vocabulary and the story telling of Reception pupils. High quality phonics is taught systematically through Little Wandle.



The GLD for children leaving the Reception class has historically been above the National average, showing a high level of school readiness. Children make strong progress from their starting points, displaying high levels of engagement which supports them in the transition to Year 1. They are independent and resilient in their approach to learning. 

  • Plaxtol Primary School
  • School Lane, Plaxtol, Sevenoaks, Kent
  • England, TN15 0QD
  • Tel: 01732 810200
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