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Plaxtol Primary School
Learning together - school, family, community

Curriculum Statement

Curriculum intent

At Plaxtol Primary School, our broad and balanced curriculum strives to enable all of our pupils to develop the vital life skills necessary to become resilient, problem-solving learners, who have respect for themselves, others and the diverse world in which we live.


Our school’s ‘Minerva’ vision is engrained within our curriculum; children are encouraged to respect and celebrate differences, to recognise that their experiences of being part of a cohesive, local community, can also be applied on a national and global level.  This all enables them to understand the impact that they can have on each other and the wider world.


Our curriculum teaches our pupils to become independent learners, who have a growth mindset in all aspects of their learning, preparing them to relish the challenges faced at each level of their education and lives.


The National Curriculum requirements are met and enhanced by challenging, purposeful learning with real-life links.  Our curriculum provides opportunities for children to make links across subjects and for frequent revisiting of prior learning.  Subjects are taught in-depth to ensure that the knowledge and skills taught become embedded into their long-term memory, so that they can apply them in the future.   



Our curriculum is coherently planned to ensure coverage and progression of both knowledge and skills. Long-term and medium-term plans have our school vision and curriculum intent at their core.  Knowledge and skills progression documents ensure a broad and balanced curriculum.  Knowledge organisers allow for essential knowledge to be taught, focussing on a deeper level of learning within each subject.  Moreover, opportunities are given for frequent revisiting, which aims to embed the learning in the children’s long-term memory. Foundation subjects are sequenced on a 2-year cycle to consider the needs of mixed age classes and most are recorded in books over the two-year period to show progression.


We ensure that our curriculum is accessible for all of our children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Teachers have frequent meetings with the school’s Senco, to ensure high quality provision.  This is further enabled due to each class having a teaching assistant, supporting the teacher, to provide equal opportunities for all learners.


Subject leaders ensure progression and coverage of their subject from EYFS through to year 6.  Feedback from courses is disseminated at staff meetings to ensure all teachers have current in-depth subject and pedagogical knowledge.  Our curriculum is regularly reviewed through curriculum conversations, which take place during staff meetings where we consider local, national and wider world events, the inclusion of diverse role-models and pupil voice. 


Children are encouraged to make links within their learning, both between new and prior learning as well as across subjects. Our curriculum strives to give real-life purpose to the children’s learning.  This is achieved through enrichment activities such as visitors, the use of our wildlife area, school trips, extra-curricular activities and clubs, which are offered to all children.


 In lessons, children are encouraged to have a growth mindset and to apply the metacognitive strategies that help them to access their learning.  This could be implemented through collaborative learning, classroom resources, referring back to prior learning and/or knowledge organisers.


Collaborative learning provides the opportunity for pupils to develop skills such as respecting others’ thoughts and ideas, and accepting differences of opinion.  Pupils are provided with opportunities to draft, re-draft, edit and improve their work. This, along with problem-solving opportunities, fosters resilience.  Adults model how to approach tasks, highlighting how we learn from mistakes and also provide exemplars of what can be achieved, encouraging children to aspire to produce high quality learning.


PSHE lessons, circle time and assemblies teach our children how to have respect for themselves, others and the environment.  Our Minerva cup is awarded weekly to celebrate those times when children have demonstrated courtesy and respect.  Pupils are taught to respect and celebrate diversity and this is engrained throughout the curriculum.


Plaxtol Primary School is part of the SPPS (Sevenoaks Partnership of Primary Schools) which ensures external moderation and access to staff training. Feedback and assessment are vital in ensuring that both pupils and teachers know the next steps in each child’s learning.  We track children’s progress using a combination of formative and summative assessment. Curriculum knowledge organisers and skills progression documents form the basis of frequent assessment opportunities and promote learning which is embedded into the long-term memory.


We use an online assessment tracking tool to make sure that any gaps in learning are addressed. End points are defined at the end of EYFS, key stage 1, lower key stage 2 and upper key stage 2, to ensure that children are on track to meet the National Curriculum end of key stage expectations. 



Children leaving Plaxtol Primary School will be respectful, motivated and resilient, with the knowledge and skills required to become successful life-long learners. They will be spiritually, morally. socially and culturally responsible citizens, who make a positive contribution to their community and the wider world.  We are all aspirational in preparing the children to be ambassadors of our Minerva vision both at school and throughout their lives.  


If you have any questions about the curriculum please email




  • Plaxtol Primary School
  • School Lane, Plaxtol, Sevenoaks, Kent
  • England, TN15 0QD
  • Tel: 01732 810200
  • Email: