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Plaxtol Primary School
Learning together - school, family, community

Design Technology

At Plaxtol Primary School, our D & T curriculum meets the requirements of the National Curriculum and provides our pupils with the knowledge and skills needed to be designers.  For each project which is undertaken, the focus is on the D & T process which involves three core activities:

  • evaluating existing products
  • learning D & T knowledge and skills through focused tasks
  • designing and making activities, applying the skills which have been learnt.  Children design and make ‘something’ for ‘somebody’ for ‘some purpose’.

Pupils are taught the importance of evaluating and making ongoing changes and improvements to their D & T projects.  This enables them to develop problem-solving skills and resilience.  To support this, the children use booklets, where they record their designs and evaluations and these are progressive throughout the year groups.  Similar booklets are used for their recipe designs and evaluations.  This provides assessment opportunities and progression can be seen and evaluated.  Teachers collate evidence not only of the final products which are created but also of the skills used during the D & T process.

The school is a member of the D & T Association which provides schemes of work and project planners, supporting teachers in delivering all aspects of the subject.  Links are made with other subjects and indeed, other disciplines such as maths, science, art and computing are frequently drawn upon in D & T lessons. 

Visitors, such as engineers and designers, enrich the children’s D & T learning and promote real-life links and purpose.

Our D & T curriculum will prepare the children to deal with the rapidly changing world in which we live.  It will build and develop pupils’ problem-solving skills and resilience which can be applied to all areas of life.  Pupils will have a deeper understanding of the vital role nutrition plays in good health. They will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to enable them to make healthy food choices and achieve a nutritious diet for themselves and others, now and continuously as they go through life.



  • Plaxtol Primary School
  • School Lane, Plaxtol, Sevenoaks, Kent
  • England, TN15 0QD
  • Tel: 01732 810200
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