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Plaxtol Primary School
Learning together - school, family, community

School Council

Plaxtol Primary School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community. 


The School Council meets once a month with Miss Cleisham to discuss various school issues, raise new ideas and give feedback on projects and activities.


We hold an election at the beginning of each academic year to elect our Council representatives.  The School Council enables our pupils to learn about the process of electing representatives including thinking, listening, discussing, choosing and agreeing. 


Air Ambulance fundraiser

School council members decided to organise a sale of pre-loved books that were donated by children at the school. Miss Cleisham helped them set up the book sale in the hall and children were able to buy a book for 50p. Parents were invited to come and browse at the end of the day. Well done to School Council for raising money for their chose charity of Air Ambulance. 

  • Plaxtol Primary School
  • School Lane, Plaxtol, Sevenoaks, Kent
  • England, TN15 0QD
  • Tel: 01732 810200
  • Email: