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Plaxtol Primary School
Learning together - school, family, community

Blended Learning

We have produced a ‘Blended Learning’ plan, that will be used when we have children who are self-isolating or if we have to close a bubble within the school due to a positive Covid result or if the whole school is shut due to lockdown.  This plan further consolidates the importance of the relationship between home and school.


Recording work:

Blended learning should be recorded in the orange ‘Homework’ book. In the event of a prolonged lockdown, the children will be sent home with a new book to use. Teachers will monitor the amount of work completed by the children.


Providing feedback on work:

Feedback to work will be given on Tapestry by the class teacher or class TA within 3 days of work being posted. Please can you encourage your child to complete the appropriate remote learning and make the school aware if your child is sick or otherwise can’t complete the work. Parents can post private comments via Tapestry that teachers can directly reply to.

Our SENCO monitors the blended learning for children with SEND across the school.


1.  In the event of individual children self-isolating
Blended learning will include:

  • The same learning that the children are completing in school for Maths and English will be put on Tapestry.
  • Links to the same resources, power points and templates will be on Tapestry.
  • Access to Bug Club for the appropriate level reading book.
  • Planned activities for the foundation subjects with specific resources included.  


2.  In the event of individual bubble closure or whole school closure
Blended learning will include:

  • English and Maths planned weekly consisting of daily activities. The Maths will include the use of White Rose videos. We may also reference BBC Bitesize and Oak Academy Learning.
  • The Bug Club will continue to be used to allow children access to the appropriate level reading books.
  • There will also be a range of wider curriculum work planned including PE, which will be presented as a mind map initially.
  • All work is set and published on Tapestry on a Friday so that parents can view it over the weekend ready to start on a Monday morning.
  • Those with limited access to devices should contact the school for support.
  • Teachers and their class TA will do twice weekly zoom calls to children at the beginning and end of the week.

  • Plaxtol Primary School
  • School Lane, Plaxtol, Sevenoaks, Kent
  • England, TN15 0QD
  • Tel: 01732 810200
  • Email: